Through a design process where creativity is key, we figure out the best way to tell your story. With innovative concepts and eye-catching creations using only high quality materials, we help you capture your visitors’ attention. By optimally conveying your company's values in your stand, we create the ideal setting to connect with your audience.


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Briefing & brainstorm

Tell us all about your story and let us know what your goals and expectations are. Our designers will guide you through a creative thinking exercise in which we come up with a concept that matches your brand and is certain to leave an impact.

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From concept to design

Through mood boards, sketches and 3D simulations, Creaplan shows you what to expect from your future exhibition stand. We come up with a plan that combines the concept and your branding into a functional design that works for you.

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Planning and follow-up

Exhibition opening day is D-day. The grand opening of a new office has to run smoothly. That’s why we plan and schedule accordingly and take care of all preparations so you don’t have to worry about anything.

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In-house construction

Hands-on in our atelier

The experienced team in our atelier takes care of everything, whether you prefer a traditional booth or a modular solution. Our in-house production translates into flexibility when last-minute changes are needed.

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Perfect delivery

Creaplan aims to be your trusted partner throughout the whole process. We are at your service from beginning to end and guide you wherever necessary. Even after delivery, we’ll gladly evaluate everything to get even better results next time.


Modular standbuilding

The walls, subfloors, ceilings and frames in our stands are reused time and again, year after year, in a new stand.

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Creaplan stand and interiors materials

Sustainable materials

From water-based paint to wood from responsible forest management. Our stands are built with sustainable materials that last a long time and are less harmful to the environment.

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Jaguar Landrover 015

Reusable parts

To save resources and waste, our stands are furnished with reusable parts. Furniture and decorations do not end up in landfills, but are used on numerous other stands.

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Creaplan stand and interiors led lights

LED lighting

By using LED lighting, our stands consume less than those with only traditional lighting. LED lamps also last longer.

Find out more about Creaplan's sustainable techniques on our blog.

Liebaert Interior by Creaplan1

Smart design choices

We create trade fair concepts that can be reused for years and look like new with every trade fair participation thanks to minimal modifications. We also design our elements so that they can be reused not only in booths, but also in showrooms and offices after trade fair participation. Our 3D logos, for example, are not made of Styrofoam, but of high-quality materials that last for a long time.

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Van Marcke Interactive display 2

Integration of technology

In stand design, we prefer to work with digital screens rather than placards with graphics, brand visuals with outdated logos or event-specific printed matter that ends up in the bin afterwards. We also work with QR codes and NFC technology, which make brochures or flyers on the stand unnecessary and thus contribute to a smaller ecological footprint.

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Green production

The roof of our office and workshop is covered with solar panels, which have already saved some 2 million kg of CO2 since their installation in 2012. On sunny days, 100% of our production runs on renewable energy.

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Well thought-out transport

With our international partner network, we install our stands abroad by a local party, to avoid unnecessary kilometres of freight transport. Incidentally, we are committed to the short chain by producing almost everything in-house and sourcing from local suppliers whenever possible.

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Every great design begins with an even better story

25 years of expertise.

Our approach